Tsuba daisho steel

Tsuba daisho acciaio

Pair of tsuba for daisho in patinated steel

Pair of tsuba for daisho from the Meiji / Taisho period, made of patinated steel with sukashi decorations. Maru gata, maru mimi, the sukashi decorations are decisive and elegant and represent a group of birds on the branches of a tree. The peculiarity of the tsuba is the material used, the steel, and the consequent originality of the patina. Both hitsu of the two tsuba are left open and deviate from the traditionally used form.

Item name (kanji): 鍔
Object name (romaji): Tsuba
Period: Meiji / Taisho period
K - 7,5cm x 7,7cm x 0,5cm
W - 6.3cm x 6.5cm x 0.4cm

For more information on the Japanese sword: Evaluate a Japanese sword
